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Eight documents in the library in the category Community

Community: Effects of climate instability and damage on communities in different parts of the world and opportunities for local mitigation. MTD.Aiken.pdf
also in categories government, negotiations moreless
Plaintiffs, a diverse group of American children, argue that they have constitutional rights and government has an obligation to protect the climate for future generations. moreless
also in categories education and training, government, international references, mitigation, negotiations, plans and scenarios moreless
Since the beginning of the UN’s international climate activities, measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) of Parties’ progress has been an important activity. For climate change mitigation recommendations to be effective and a useful planning tool, parties need reliable information on emissions and actions, both at home and worldwide. MRV is a term used to describe all measures which states take to collect data on emissions, mitigation actions and support, to compile this information in reports and inventories, and to subject these to international review or analysis. moreless
also in categories government, international references, negotiations, plans and scenarios moreless
The 4th November 2016, the Paris Agreement entered into force. 94 countries have ratified the Agreement. Ratification turns their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Most countries didn’t modify their INDCs. In total, there are now 162 NDCs and INDCs covering 191 countries, who are collectively responsible for more than 99% of global greenhouse gas emissions. moreless
also in categories effects, energy, forests, government, health, mitigation, sea, technology moreless
Data resources related to climate change that can help prepare America’s communities, businesses, and citizens. There is data and resources related to coastal flooding, food resilience, water, ecosystem vulnerability, human health, energy infrastructure, transportation and the Arctic region. Over time, additional data and tools relevant to other climate-related impacts will be added. moreless
also in categories agriculture, causes, economics, education and training, effects, energy, forests, government, health, industry, mitigation, models, recycling solutions, technology, transportation, videos moreless
Frameworks and tools to understand and address climate issues that impact people and their communities. Build resilience to climate impacts, see what others are doing, explore local situations. moreless Ecomodernist Manifesto.pdf
also in categories agriculture, carbon capture, economics, effects, energy, forests, government, habitation, industry, nuclear, plans and scenarios, promising technology, technology moreless
A revolutionary reevaluation of environmentalism, with a high reliance on technology to provide human needs while providing environmental space for wilderness and wild things. moreless
also in categories mitigation, models, plans and scenarios moreless
The SSP database aims at the documentation of quantitative projections of the so-called Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) and related Integrated Assessment scenarios. The SSPs are part of a new framework that the climate change research community has adopted to facilitate the integrated analysis of future climate impacts, vulnerabilities, adaptation, and mitigation.The database integrates GPD and urbanisation data with data on energy use and supply, land use, emissions, climate change and policy costs. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, government, industry, models, plans and scenarios, technology moreless
Describes modelling undertaken to examine different grid structures based on a variety of energy scenarios, with explanations. Several documents to download. moreless

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