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Thirteen documents in the library in the category Sea

Sea: The sea has been the largest GHG sink, however, this has led to acidification, with various nefarious effects on certain sea life. In addition, warming causing ice melt, along with sea expansion is leading to sea rise which puts into peril coasts, coastal cities, and coastal activities. Recently, several alarming reports are predicting that sea rise has been significantly underestimated.
Article postulates how global CO2 increase will have an accelerating effect on ice melt over timescales likely to be much shorter than previously thought, with dangerous effects on cities bordering on the sea. moreless
also in categories economics, education and training, effects, energy, fossil fuel, international references, nuclear, solar, wind moreless
Do numbers speak? Here are the numbers, and here are explanations of what they are saying. The truths are more important than the myths. Should be obligatory reading. moreless
also in categories causes, coal, education and training, effects, energy, fossil fuel, international references, natural gas, nuclear, petroleum, solar, wind moreless
The graphs show both the climate changes and the consequences over time. Click on the graph and see the scientific papers that support the graph data. moreless
Scientists and games developers have produced a free interactive game, "Ice Flows", to help demonstrate how the Antarctic Ice Sheet responds to climate change in an accessible way to children and game players of all ages. moreless
also in categories effects, success and failures moreless
West Coast climate effect reposts on Sierra Nevada Snowpack, El Nino in California and Nevada, California heat waves, drought in Southern California, California, precipitation and a variety of similar reference reports. moreless
also in categories energy, french, hydroelectric, mitigation, plans and scenarios, solar, technology, transportation, wind moreless
Critique of Mark Jacobson’s wind, water and sun “solution” for French energy transition. moreless
also in categories agriculture, causes, economics, education and training, effects, energy, forests, government, international references, models, plans and scenarios, technology moreless
The State of the Climate report series is an authoritative annual summary of the global climate. Published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, the report is edited by scientists at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. The 2015 report is based on contributions from more than 450 scientists from 62 countries, drawing on tens of thousands of measurements of Earth's climate. moreless
also in categories community, effects, energy, forests, government, health, mitigation, technology moreless
Data resources related to climate change that can help prepare America’s communities, businesses, and citizens. There is data and resources related to coastal flooding, food resilience, water, ecosystem vulnerability, human health, energy infrastructure, transportation and the Arctic region. Over time, additional data and tools relevant to other climate-related impacts will be added. moreless
also in categories education and training, effects, energy, mitigation moreless
Climate science overview, causes of climate change, future of climate change and many other things. This agency is under serious threat from the incoming US administration. moreless
also in categories education and training, models moreless
The ice held in the Antarctic Ice Sheet has the potential to cause significant changes in sea level in the future, which will affect many people around the world. As a result, it is important that people have an awareness of the impact of a changing climate on the world's ice sheets, but this complex system is difficult to understand and predict. moreless
also in categories effects, models moreless
A mapping tool to visualise local impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 6 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might look, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration. US only. moreless
also in categories agriculture, causes, economics, energy, forests, government, habitation, health, international references, models moreless
This report is an authoritative assessment of the science of climate change, with a focus on the United States. It represents the first of two volumes of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990. moreless
also in categories causes, french moreless
De 2008 à 2011, une pause apparente du réchauffement global semblait sonner le glas de la thèse du changement climatique, pourtant prouvée par le recul historique de la banquise arctique en 2007 et le triplement constaté du rythme de montée des eaux au vingtième siècle (30 cm au lieu de 10 cm par siècle durant les 50 siècles précédents). moreless

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