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Nineteen documents in the library in the category Models

Models: Includes games and simulations. Use of models to explore and compare different Scenarios. Reliability of models. Possibility for general public to explore alternative energy paths.
also in categories carbon capture, causes, coal, education and training, effects, energy, fossil fuel, government, international references, mitigation, natural gas, negotiations, nuclear, petroleum, plans and scenarios, solar, wind moreless
This Synthesis Report is based on the assessment carried out by the three Working Groups (WGs) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It provides an integrated view of climate change as the final part of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Topic 1 summarizes observed changes in climate and their effects on natural and human systems, regardless of their causes, while Topic 2 assesses the causes of the observed changes. Topic 3 presents projections of future climate change and related impacts under different scenarios. Topic 4 discusses adaptation and mitigation options over the next few decades and their interactions with sustainable development. Excellent example of the thinking and methodology, but not the most recent data. moreless
also in category government moreless
The UK is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050, relative to 1990 levels.To do this they must decarbonise the UK economy while ensuring secure and affordable energy supplies. This model enables users to experiment with different energy options and immediately see the results. moreless
also in categories agriculture, economics, education and training, effects, government, international references, mitigation, negotiations, plans and scenarios moreless
A United Nations overview of climate issues, activities, and science. This interactive guide gathers and shares information on GHG emissions, national policies and best practices including mitigation, adaption, and climate finance. Users can simulate policy options and view results. moreless
also in categories agriculture, causes, economics, education and training, effects, energy, forests, government, international references, plans and scenarios, sea, technology moreless
The State of the Climate report series is an authoritative annual summary of the global climate. Published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, the report is edited by scientists at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. The 2015 report is based on contributions from more than 450 scientists from 62 countries, drawing on tens of thousands of measurements of Earth's climate. moreless
also in categories agriculture, causes, community, economics, education and training, effects, energy, forests, government, health, industry, mitigation, recycling solutions, technology, transportation, videos moreless
Frameworks and tools to understand and address climate issues that impact people and their communities. Build resilience to climate impacts, see what others are doing, explore local situations. moreless
also in category videos moreless
Many short videos on a wide panoply of climate related issues. moreless
also in categories mitigation, plans and scenarios moreless
The Data Explorer is an interactive tool that provides access to data from EPA's annual Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks. You can create customised graphs, examine trends over time, and download the data. moreless
also in categories agriculture, biofuel, carbon capture, economics, energy, forests, mitigation, nuclear, plans and scenarios, solar, technology, wind moreless
MIT RESEARCH MISSION Our integrated team of natural and social scientists studies the interactions among human and Earth systems to provide a sound foundation of scientific knowledge to aid decision makers in confronting future food, energy, water, climate, air pollution and other interwoven challenges. Much details on energy alternatives, including costs, safety, and timeliness of availability. moreless
also in categories causes, energy, forests, government, habitation, industry, international references, plans and scenarios, videos moreless
Wakeup call for climate realism. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, industry, technology moreless
Primary energy statistics, Climate. Data can be browsed, exported and modeled. moreless
also in categories education and training, sea moreless
The ice held in the Antarctic Ice Sheet has the potential to cause significant changes in sea level in the future, which will affect many people around the world. As a result, it is important that people have an awareness of the impact of a changing climate on the world's ice sheets, but this complex system is difficult to understand and predict. moreless
also in categories community, mitigation, plans and scenarios moreless
The SSP database aims at the documentation of quantitative projections of the so-called Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) and related Integrated Assessment scenarios. The SSPs are part of a new framework that the climate change research community has adopted to facilitate the integrated analysis of future climate impacts, vulnerabilities, adaptation, and mitigation.The database integrates GPD and urbanisation data with data on energy use and supply, land use, emissions, climate change and policy costs. moreless
also in categories effects, sea moreless
A mapping tool to visualise local impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 6 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might look, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration. US only. moreless
also in categories agriculture, causes, economics, energy, forests, government, habitation, health, international references, sea moreless
This report is an authoritative assessment of the science of climate change, with a focus on the United States. It represents the first of two volumes of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990. moreless
also in categories causes, effects moreless
Climate change includes not only changes in mean climate but also in weather extremes. For a few prominent heatwaves and heavy precipitation events a human contribution to their occurrence has been demonstrated. Here we apply a similar framework but estimate what fraction of all globally occurring heavy precipitation and hot extremes is attributable to warming. moreless
also in category energy moreless
Follow electricity generation in real time. Check installed capacity of different sources. Check carbon intensity of electricity imports and exports. In some places, data isn’t available, and some installed capacity values aren’t up to date, however, with movement to national measurements and “dashboards”, information is expected to become available quicker. moreless
also in categories carbon capture, economics, energy, forests, international references, mitigation, plans and scenarios moreless
An interactive graphic showing the world’s NDCs, sorted by income and many other categories. moreless
also in categories community, economics, energy, government, industry, plans and scenarios, technology moreless
Describes modelling undertaken to examine different grid structures based on a variety of energy scenarios, with explanations. Several documents to download. moreless
also in categories economics, effects, energy moreless
The increasing installation of intermittent energy in the European electricity system increase the complexity of the system management and the probability of blackouts. This simulator attempts to calculate the cost of blackouts in any of the 27 EU countries. Free registration required. moreless

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