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Thirty-five documents in the library in the category Solar

Solar: Solar electricity generation, both solar panels and solar concentrated, has many advantages for GHG free electricity. Unfortunately, there are disadvantages that need to be overcome, and solar costs need to be combined with storage costs, or backup with non-intermittent sources. There is also a considerable land use factor due to the low density output.
also in categories energy, international references, technology, wind moreless
MacKay deals with the essential numbers that put various clean energy sources into the context necessary to make sensible choices. He puts emphasis on energy density, or in other words, how much land is needed for each source, and how applicable each is in different environments. The finest source on the subject. moreless
also in categories economics, education and training, effects, energy, fossil fuel, international references, nuclear, sea, wind moreless
Do numbers speak? Here are the numbers, and here are explanations of what they are saying. The truths are more important than the myths. Should be obligatory reading. moreless
also in categories causes, coal, education and training, effects, energy, fossil fuel, international references, natural gas, nuclear, petroleum, sea, wind moreless
The graphs show both the climate changes and the consequences over time. Click on the graph and see the scientific papers that support the graph data. moreless
also in categories carbon capture, causes, coal, education and training, effects, energy, fossil fuel, government, international references, mitigation, models, natural gas, negotiations, nuclear, petroleum, plans and scenarios, wind moreless
This Synthesis Report is based on the assessment carried out by the three Working Groups (WGs) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It provides an integrated view of climate change as the final part of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Topic 1 summarizes observed changes in climate and their effects on natural and human systems, regardless of their causes, while Topic 2 assesses the causes of the observed changes. Topic 3 presents projections of future climate change and related impacts under different scenarios. Topic 4 discusses adaptation and mitigation options over the next few decades and their interactions with sustainable development. Excellent example of the thinking and methodology, but not the most recent data. moreless
also in categories biofuel, energy, fossil fuel, habitation, mitigation, nuclear, transportation, wind, videos moreless
David MacKay video showing why he believes in arithmetic, explains energy usage in UK in terms of average number of lightbulbs per day per person, and the landmass necessary to support each energy option. moreless
also in category french moreless
Discusses potential limits of photovoltaic manufacturing due to limitations of various rare minerals. moreless
also in categories causes, economics, effects, energy, health, international references, mitigation, nuclear, plans and scenarios, wind moreless
Massive climate documentation library. A “must” reference for diverse quality information. Few areas can benefit as much from Open Access as climate change research: the combination of public, scientific, and governmental interest with the mounting misinformation, unsubstantiated opinions, and unsourced data make public access to original, well-reported, and peer-reviewed climate change research of utmost importance. An international reference. moreless
also in categories energy, french, hydroelectric, mitigation, plans and scenarios, sea, technology, transportation, wind moreless
Critique of Mark Jacobson’s wind, water and sun “solution” for French energy transition. moreless
also in categories coal, economics, effects, energy, fossil fuel, mitigation, nuclear, success and failures, wind moreless
Max Planck Institut’s analysis of the German energy transition project and identification of its numerous limitations. moreless
also in categories energy, mitigation, nuclear, success and failures, wind, videos moreless
Dr. Hansen and three other notable climate scientists argue that the CO2 reductions necessary to contain the global temperature rise cannot be achieved with proven technology without a considerable increase in the contribution of nuclear energy. moreless
also in categories biofuel, carbon capture, causes, coal, economics, effects, energy, forests, fossil fuel, government, habitation, hydroelectric, industry, mitigation, natural gas, negotiations, nuclear, petroleum, plans and scenarios, promising technology, recycling solutions, success and failures, technology, transportation, wind moreless
US commitment to COP22. This document lays out a strategy to deeply decarbonize the U.S. economy by 2050. This document has been presented immediately after the US 2016 election results. At this point in time, little is known about the future of these very worthwhile commitments. moreless
also in categories coal, effects, energy, fossil fuel, government, mitigation, natural gas, nuclear, petroleum, plans and scenarios, success and failures, transportation, waste, wind moreless
Trump’s transition team has circulated a 74-point questionnaire at the Department of Energy asking for the names of employees and contractors who have attended climate change policy conferences, and associated emails and documents. This document is being scrutinised in an attempt to predict the new government’s climate policy. These questions could serve as the basis for a purge of EPA employees, and casts doubts on virtually all climate mitigation scenarios. moreless
also in categories agriculture, biofuel, carbon capture, coal, economics, energy, forests, fossil fuel, french, government, habitation, hydroelectric, industry, natural gas, nuclear, petroleum, plans and scenarios, recycling solutions, technology, transportation, waste, wind moreless
Explains how France intends to reduce GHG to 140 Mt (divide by factor 4, 1990 — 2050) in two generations. moreless Energy Emergency v17.pdf
also in categories economics, effects, energy, nuclear, success and failures, wind moreless
Quantitative effects of replacing nuclear worldwide. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, industry, promising technology, technology moreless
Storing solar energy as heat is the only current renewable storage method. Document describes developing a cost Model and methodology to estimate costs for Thermal Energy Storage. moreless
also in categories agriculture, biofuel, carbon capture, economics, energy, forests, mitigation, models, nuclear, plans and scenarios, technology, wind moreless
MIT RESEARCH MISSION Our integrated team of natural and social scientists studies the interactions among human and Earth systems to provide a sound foundation of scientific knowledge to aid decision makers in confronting future food, energy, water, climate, air pollution and other interwoven challenges. Much details on energy alternatives, including costs, safety, and timeliness of availability. moreless intermittentes.pdf
also in categories economics, energy, french, habitation, wind moreless
Wind and solar generated electricity, CO2, and prices for Western European households. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, technology, wind moreless
This article presents some crucial findings of the joint research project entitled Storage of electric energy from renewable sources in the natural gas grid-water electrolysis and synthesis of gas components. The challenges of using these technologies on an industrial scale are discussed. moreless
also in categories energy, hydroelectric, success and failures, wind moreless
Evaluation of a proposal for reliable low-cost grid power with 100% wind, water, and solar. Previous analyses have found that the most feasible route to a low-carbon energy future is one that adopts a diverse portfolio of technologies. In contrast, Jacobson et al. (2015) consider whether the future primary energy sources for the United States could be narrowed to almost exclusively wind, solar, and hydroelectric power and suggest that this can be done at “low-cost” Jacobson’s work had often been criticised by scientists, and worshiped by many “Green” organisation. In this article, his conclusions are shown to be falacous. moreless…
also in categories economics, energy, hydroelectric, mitigation, plans and scenarios, wind moreless
Finally the truth is coming out regarding the possibility of powering the entire US with only wind, sun and water. Jacobson understood that he could capture the populist ideological wing of the climate advocates, but the science caught up. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, government, health, mitigation, nuclear, promising technology, radiation, recycling solutions, technology, waste, wind moreless
In recent years some prominent advocates for the environment have become advocates for nuclear power. Film directors, parliamentarians, journalists and environmental campaigners: people who once were opposed to nuclear power have changed their minds. moreless
also in categories economics, hydroelectric, nuclear, wind moreless
Electricity generating power plants interact with each other and their customers through the electricity grid as well as the wider natural, economic and social environment. This means that electricity production generates costs beyond the perimeter of the individual plant. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, fossil fuel, french, hydroelectric, nuclear, success and failures, technology, wind moreless
J M Jancovici explains why RE is 6x more expensive than nuclear, and 10x more for solar. moreless
also in categories economics, effects, energy, fossil fuel, french, government, habitation, industry, nuclear, plans and scenarios, transportation, wind, podcasts moreless
French President Macron’s speech at COP23, which clarified French climate policy. The speech followed the science, unlike previous presidents’ speeches on the subject. It’s an example of lucidity and good sense. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, government, technology, wind moreless
At present, grid-scale wind and solar generation all over the world is being accommodated into power grids indirectly, mainly through combined cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) ramping up and down to balance variable renewable energy (RE) supply. To become truly carbon free 100% RE, two strategies have been pursued. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, government, mitigation, nuclear, plans and scenarios, technology moreless
The new report ranks European countries on their climate leadership using official Eurostat data and exclusive data from moreless
also in categories economics, energy, hydroelectric, plans and scenarios, wind moreless
Hysterically funny, ironic, and scientifically precise critique of Jacobson’s “100% wind, water and sun” scenario applied to Finland. Rauli Partanen is an author, commentator, and member of SOP. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, french, government, success and failures, wind moreless
Il est frappant de constater le peu d’impact en près de quinze ans sur le mix énergétique d’une politique volontariste de transition focalisée sur l’électricité et le couple éolien-solaire. Et basée sur de lourds investissements et des subventions massives. Eolien et solaire ne fournissent même pas 5% de la consommation totale d’énergie en 2016. Par contre les dégâts collatéraux sont réels. Les prix de gros du marché de l’électricité s’effondrent et les tarifs des consommateurs s’envolent. moreless
also in categories economics, success and failures, wind moreless
Table showing German energy transition, created by McKinsey consultants for the German government. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, government, hydroelectric, industry, nuclear, plans and scenarios, technology, transportation, waste, wind moreless
Substantial reduction in carbon intensity drives carbon emissions to peak between 2020 and 2040 across the three scenarios. Still, to reach global climate targets, the world needs an exceptional and enduring effort on top of already pledged commitments, and coordinated global action at unprecedented levels, with meaningful carbon prices. moreless
also in categories biofuel, coal, energy, fossil fuel, french, government, habitation, hydroelectric, industry, mitigation, natural gas, nuclear, plans and scenarios, success and failures, transportation, waste, wind moreless
A biannual dashboard that reports on the progress of the energy transition plan - sector by sector vs the objectives. This first iteration shows that achievements are already behind objectives, and suggests that economic subsidies are aimed at the wrong targets. moreless
also in categories agriculture, biofuel, coal, energy, fossil fuel, habitation, hydroelectric, industry, natural gas, nuclear, petroleum, transportation, wind moreless
Graph showing most of the climate-related parameters, including the cumulative CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions by country. Much useful data. Data source was the World Resources Institute. moreless
also in categories biofuel, carbon capture, causes, coal, economics, effects, energy, fossil fuel, hydroelectric, industry, international references, mitigation, natural gas, nuclear, petroleum, success and failures, technology, wind moreless
Vast source of energy data, including power plants, fuels and resources, energy transmission, and energy consumers. Data presented in many ways. Current worldwide list of coal power plants from this site. moreless
also in categories economics, efficiency, energy, technology, wind moreless
Wind and solar power generation have grown dramatically, yet they still generate only a small fraction of electricity or of primary energy. In 2017, for example, wind and solar generated 6.0% and 1.8% respectively of US electricity. Wind and solar, like all energy systems, occupy land, displacing natural systems, agriculture, and human communities. Power density, the energy generation rate per time per unit ground area (expressed here as We m−2), is one important measure of the land use of energy systems. Existing power density estimates for wind and solar are inconsistent. As an example of the implications of these results, consider Germany and its ambitious energy transformation policy. If US wind power density was applicable to Germany, then devoting all German land to wind power would meet about 40% of Germany's total primary energy consumption. moreless
also in categories efficiency, energy, wind moreless
Harvard University researchers find that the transition to wind or solar power in the U.S. would require five to 20 times more land than previously thought, and, if such large-scale wind farms were built, would warm average surface temperatures over the continental U.S. by 0.24 degrees Celsius. moreless

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