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Twenty-four documents in the library in the category French

French: Indicates that the document is written in French. Other tags identify the subjects. SLCHD 6.pdf
also in categories economics, energy, mitigation, plans and scenarios moreless
A thorough mitigation scenario to contain temperature rise to 2°C. Gives detail requirements for all major GHG generating sectors. Much has been deduced from the situation in France, however the logic is transferable to other countries. moreless
also in categories economics, effects, energy, health, nuclear moreless
Implications, economic and climatic, of exiting from nuclear. moreless
also in category solar moreless
Discusses potential limits of photovoltaic manufacturing due to limitations of various rare minerals. moreless
also in categories energy, hydroelectric, mitigation, plans and scenarios, sea, solar, technology, transportation, wind moreless
Critique of Mark Jacobson’s wind, water and sun “solution” for French energy transition. moreless
also in categories nuclear, radiation, videos moreless
Video (French) explaining the nature of the different products stored and their origins. 0.2% of what’s stored is highly radioactive, and represents 98% of the radioactivity. Information is also given about the products that are stored awaiting processing to be reused in future reactors. moreless
also in categories nuclear, radiation, waste moreless
What, where, how much nuclear waste. Open source data is available for modelling or other use. Many useful references to associated topics. moreless
also in categories nuclear, radiation moreless
Report gives a detailed description of the totality of material and waste, existing and future, present in France. the information is available as open source data. Excellent reference. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, plans and scenarios, success and failures, technology moreless
Discussions of the costs of the German Energy Transition plan, and its achievements and limitations. Conclusion: “Le rapport coût-bénéfice de la transition énergétique allemande est désastreux. En dépit de ces investissements astronomiques dans le développement des renouvelables, la décarbonisation du secteur électrique ne progresse pas. Les émissions des gaz à effet de serre sont mêmes revenues à leur niveau de 2009. Allemagne ne semble pas en mesure d’atteindre les objectifs climatiques qu’elle s’est fixée.” moreless
also in categories agriculture, biofuel, carbon capture, coal, economics, energy, forests, fossil fuel, government, habitation, hydroelectric, industry, natural gas, nuclear, petroleum, plans and scenarios, recycling solutions, solar, technology, transportation, waste, wind moreless
Explains how France intends to reduce GHG to 140 Mt (divide by factor 4, 1990 — 2050) in two generations. moreless intermittentes.pdf
also in categories economics, energy, habitation, solar, wind moreless
Wind and solar generated electricity, CO2, and prices for Western European households. moreless
also in categories industry, nuclear, technology moreless
La dérive actuelle vers la démocratie d’opinion, encouragée par le système médiatique et la publicité dont elle dépend, ainsi que par des politiciens carriéristes, conduit à affirmer que le nucléaire a manqué de concertation dans l’orientation avangardiste prise en 1974, et que l’arbitrage consensuel des experts qualifiés doit être désormais assorti d’une “consultation” des citoyens. L’important semble donc être que chacun puisse verbaliser ses angoisses, avoir l’impression d’être écouté. moreless
also in categories nuclear, radiation, recycling solutions, waste moreless
An explanation of recycling used nuclear fuel and its environmental advantages. Details explained and calculations show the environmental impact, and compare with other resources. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, fossil fuel, hydroelectric, nuclear, solar, success and failures, technology, wind moreless
J M Jancovici explains why RE is 6x more expensive than nuclear, and 10x more for solar. moreless
also in categories economics, effects, energy, fossil fuel, government, habitation, industry, nuclear, plans and scenarios, solar, transportation, wind, podcasts moreless
French President Macron’s speech at COP23, which clarified French climate policy. The speech followed the science, unlike previous presidents’ speeches on the subject. It’s an example of lucidity and good sense. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, government, nuclear, plans and scenarios, wind moreless
Paper shows the impossibility of replacing 1/3 of the French nuclear capacity by 2025 with wind and solar. moreless
also in categories economics, energy, government, solar, success and failures, wind moreless
Il est frappant de constater le peu d’impact en près de quinze ans sur le mix énergétique d’une politique volontariste de transition focalisée sur l’électricité et le couple éolien-solaire. Et basée sur de lourds investissements et des subventions massives. Eolien et solaire ne fournissent même pas 5% de la consommation totale d’énergie en 2016. Par contre les dégâts collatéraux sont réels. Les prix de gros du marché de l’électricité s’effondrent et les tarifs des consommateurs s’envolent. moreless
also in categories causes, sea moreless
De 2008 à 2011, une pause apparente du réchauffement global semblait sonner le glas de la thèse du changement climatique, pourtant prouvée par le recul historique de la banquise arctique en 2007 et le triplement constaté du rythme de montée des eaux au vingtième siècle (30 cm au lieu de 10 cm par siècle durant les 50 siècles précédents). moreless
also in categories energy, wind moreless
Le lissage de la production d’électricité éolienne est une nécessité absolue pour tout scénario énergétique dans lequel cette électricité représenterait plus de 30% de la consommation. Des trois types de stockage habituellement proposés, batteries, STEPs et transformations électricité-gaz puis gaz-électricité, seul le troisième est envisageable à court ou moyen terme. moreless
also in categories biofuel, coal, energy, fossil fuel, government, habitation, hydroelectric, industry, mitigation, natural gas, nuclear, plans and scenarios, solar, success and failures, transportation, waste, wind moreless
A biannual dashboard that reports on the progress of the energy transition plan - sector by sector vs the objectives. This first iteration shows that achievements are already behind objectives, and suggests that economic subsidies are aimed at the wrong targets. moreless
also in categories causes, effects, energy, hydroelectric, success and failures moreless
While electric power consumption has remained stable for several years, CO2 continues to rise in spite of significant increases in renewable energy capacity. Official details are in this Electricity Balance Sheet. In French. moreless
also in category negotiations moreless
Climate risks cover multiple aspects, including scientific, economic, legal and political. The legal aspect is taking on a more prominent role, and is gradually becoming a useful tool. In French. moreless
also in categories effects, habitation, industry, plans and scenarios moreless
A good source of French climate measurements and programs. Partially translated to English. moreless
also in categories energy, government, industry, plans and scenarios, technology moreless
A starting point for data regarding the modification of the energy development plans for the periods 2018-2023 and 2024-2028. The French energy transition plan mandates these periodic revisions. There are many documents that can be downloaded. Some have found this a curious way to decide technically complex issues. Most docs in French, a few in English. moreless
also in categories economics, effects, energy, government, habitation, industry, mitigation, plans and scenarios, technology, transportation moreless
Definition of objectives and tasks necessary to bring France into line with the objectives defined by the COP21 Paris climate agreement. Reporting is to begin in 2018 and every five years thereafter. moreless

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